Beautiful Weather

The last few days have seen some fantastic weather, which has helped the weeds grow very well on the allotment.  However, in the back garden and shed the plants are coming on very well.  Since the chillis have been under lights they have come on very well and will be moved into the greenhouse as soon as I have one.

Today on the allotment the wife weeded around the raspberries, all of which seem to have survived the planting, I dug a beg and planted some dwarf french beans (speedy ) amd some runners (scarlet emperor ) that I started off in pots in the shed.  The carrots and beetroots have sproted and even some of the asparagus that I planted last year ( and didn’t look after) has survived and sprouted (we have got 6 spears of far) but we must resist the temptation to pick any as the plants need a couple of years to get established before they are harvested.

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